25th HackDay – Chennai Hardware Meetup

meetup in madurai

Welcome to HackDay!

Whether you’re a student or a professional, engineer, or designer, join us to meet others who share a passion for building tangible products.

Are you a Hardware enthusiast? In this HackDay we try to build some real-time products using electronics, embedded, sensors to solve the real problem. Then it will be Open-sourced, including Source code, pin diagram, and instructions. It’s a FREE event. Please try to bring whatever components you have to build collaboratively.
Prototypes are welcome!



10 AM to 11:00 AM
Intro & Lightning Talks
11:10 AM to 1 PM
Team formation & Hacking


Date : 09-06-2024

Timing : 10 AM to 1 PM

Venue : MakersTribe


Please check our previous events to get some idea about HackDay – https://www.facebook.com/groups/IoTForAll/

As much as we’d like to have all of you, this time we can only accommodate up to 30 guests: please be mindful when signing up <3

We’re looking for community partners! If you’d like to get involved (speaker, space, sponsor) please contact Shakthi 8610086243